Pharmaceutical – oils & nut oils
Unique anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, antibacterial and healing properties are under study. As we are processing certified plantation timber we seeing an increase in interest, research and product development from the pharmaceutical and cosmeceutical sectors.

Cosmetics & Aromatherapy – oils & nut oils
Used in body moisturisers, face cream, sun screen, anti-aging, skin cleansers & soaps. Increasing concern with toxicity in cosmetics driving strong demand for natural ingredients. We market these oils to Europe, North America, China, India, SE Asia and Australasia.

Fragrance - oils
Unique key ingredient in many perfumes due to the subtle fragrance with a pleasant wood based note and excellent fixative properties. The WISPER group markets these oils to Europe, North America, India, and Australasia.

Incense - logs, woodchip & powder
Highly valued ingredient with spiritual connotations. When burnt it produces white smoke and is seen as a symbol of wealth. Primary markets include China, India and SE Asia.

Pan Masala & Traditional Medicine - oils
Mixture of nuts, seeds, herbs, spices and oils consumed as a mouth freshener incorporated for its fragrance, flavour and anti-microbial properties. Primary markets include China, India and SE Asia.